Arminian Today

A Jesus-Centered Arminian Blog


with 47 comments

I am a man who loves Jesus, loves his family, and wants to honor God in all that I say or do.  I hate my sin, love my Saviour, and long to be in his presence.  I can’t wait for the day that I see him face to face and my faith becomes sight.  For now I will walk according to his Word (Psalm 1:1-3; John 8:31-36). 

Written by The Seeking Disciple

09/08/2007 at 5:23 PM

47 Responses

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  1. […] About […]

  2. I just wanted to shoot you a quick note and thank you for the good work you are doing. I’m an elder of a church that is going through an identity crisis and building project at the same time. . . a combination I wouldn’t recommend. During what could be a stressful time, I am constantly being reminded of God’s amazing truths and love. You’ve been a part of that and I thank you for it. Keep up the good fight.


    04/05/2011 at 3:55 PM

  3. Hi!

    I just found your blog, and I wanted to get in touch with you on an old blog post (I am firmly against commenting on old posts when possible). What would be the best way to do that?

    Reading over some of your blog posts, you have some good points (though I disagree with you, as I am a calvinist).


    08/10/2011 at 5:28 AM

  4. Love your firm stance on the word of God, and against bad theology! Keep up the faith, and the good work.

    Eric N Dee-Lewis

    08/12/2011 at 3:41 PM

  5. Tell me more about the Bibles you’ve reviewed at Especially the Pitt-Minions. Do you carry them? use them?

    Clay Knick

    08/27/2011 at 8:03 PM

    • I love the pitt minion Bibles. Cambridge makes quality Bibles. They are well built, have great Bible paper, no bleed through with the words, and the leather is top notch. I carry an ESV Pitt Minion Bible nearly with me at all times.

  6. What a great blog! If you’d like to review books about biblical authority by Master Books ( please send me a message at jwhite at newleafpress dot net. Blessings!

    Jennifer White

    10/14/2011 at 10:20 AM

  7. Thank you so much for the work you put into this wonderful blog! I was wondering if you could add a “search” feature to your sidebar to make looking up past posts easier?

    Thank you and Blessing! 🙂


    11/19/2011 at 5:38 PM

  8. Read and enjoy your blog, I think your approach is very fair.
    We can disagree but still be brothers in the Lord.

    Gene Cute

    11/22/2011 at 9:41 AM

  9. Years ago living in NYC I came across a great blog titled, ‘arminianismtoday’. I believe it was hosted on bloodspot. Is this the same site relocated?


    02/18/2012 at 11:57 PM

  10. Hello,I am only an unregenerate Gentile who has some familiarity with Holy Scripture,as well as with some matters (and wineskins) that (intentionally or more likely,unintentionally) serve to desalinate and disempower (and leave unprepared) the British and American contingent of the Bride.That said,I want to call attention to a wonderful,nutricious book by David Pawson,entitled ‘The Road to Hell’.In this book,he points out the overlooked fact that the warnings of Jesus were given to (and about) His own disciples,not unbelievers.

    Many (perhaps most) books on holiness are unfit for purpose – for the authors discuss neither the root and cause of unholiness (license/distorted ideas on salvation) nor the consequences of dying in sin/filth (Gehenna/The Lake of Fire). This book on the other hand,says it like it is – alas,that is rare.

    Here is a video advert for the book lasting almost 8 minutes.

    The book is available in paperback or ebook.

    At the least,do watch the book advert.

    Mark Phillips

    02/21/2012 at 7:32 AM

  11. Just to add another book recommendation.

    John 3:16 is CONTEXT-dependent,ELABORATIVE and COMPARATIVE in nature : in the Greek the sentence begins with the word HOUTOS (Strong’s Concordance number 3779),a word which means ‘thus’/’even so’/’in this way’ – ‘For in this way God loved the world….’ But,in English Bibles HOUTOS is translated simply as ‘so’. It has thereby lost its context-dependency,elaborative and comparative meaning,and morphed into a context-INDEPENDENT QUANTITY statement : ‘For God sooo [deeply] loved the world….’

    For confirmation,see the following :

    When evangelists disconnect John 3:16 from its proper context,and furthermore,when they build their message on a mistranslation and misunderstanding of the sentence itself,it can give hearers an unbalanced,deficient and SENTIMENTAL understanding of the GOOD NEWS – leading to shallow (and sometimes short-lived) ‘decisions’/’conversions’. (Evangelism built on a misunderstanding of John 3:16,alas,seems to have become sacrosanct.Yes,many may have been genuinely converted through such a message,but,to use something Keith Green wrote,some have been converted IN SPITE OF,not because of,such evangelism.) David Pawson has written a boat-rocking (even iconoclastic) book about this problem,entitled ‘Is John 3:16 the Gospel ?’ (Meaning,does that sentence,when taken out of context,give a balanced summary of what God has done for us,and also,for what God wants us to do in response? For instance,where is the word ‘repent’ ?)

    ‘Is John 3:16 the Gospel ?’ (available in paperback or e-book):

    ‘John 3:16…I believe it is one of the most mistranslated,misunderstood and misapplied verses in the Bible…’ (Chapter 1)
    …the Book of Acts,which is surely a description of the early church evangelising… planting churches.Yet in the whole of Acts there is not a single mention of the love of God.(Chapter 1)
    That’s quite a statement – read the Book of Acts and check him out.

    Watch a 7 minute video discussion of the book here :
    Back around 2003,David spoke at a Bible College graduation ceremony – he gave a talk entitled ‘The True God and the True Gospel’ .It lasts 80 mins approx,and can be watched or listened to online,or downloaded and listened to. The talk is both challenging and tremendous.

    Here is a link to the talk :

    At the least,please do watch the little book advert.

    Mark Phillips

    03/02/2012 at 8:17 AM

  12. ‘For in this [John 3:14-15] way God loved the world….’

    Mark Phillips

    03/02/2012 at 8:32 AM

  13. Hi, I really enjoy your blog a lot!..I grew up as an Assembly of God Pastor Kid, & was an AG youth pastor for about 8 years. Three years ago I “converted” over to Calvinism, and was pursuing ministry in that direction. A couple months ago I started questioning some of my Calvinistic beliefs & I have now embraced Arminian theology once again, so your blog has really been a blessing for me.

    Do you know of any good Spirit-filled Arminian Bible Teachers by any chance? I am having a hard time finding any.

    God Bless,

    David Garcia

    04/06/2012 at 2:01 PM

    • Dr. Michael L. Brown. He hosts the program, The Line of Fire and has debated Dr. James White in the past. He is a scholar, a man of God, and was the first president of the now defunct Brownsville A/G school of ministry. He comes to mind first.

      • Funny that you mention that, I actually went to the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry fromm 1999-2001. Dr. Brown is great!…I guess my question pertained to any Arminian Pastors/Teachers that teach the Word in expository forms? That’s one thing I came to appreciate being a Calvinist is the high value on preaching through the Word and I am having a hard time finding any Arminian’s to listen too. Most of the preachers that aren’t Calvinist only preach mostly topical sermons.

        David Garcia

        04/07/2012 at 7:50 AM

      • Many of the Calvary Chapels teach verse by verse through the Scriptures and they are not Calvinistic though they would say that they are not Arminian either. Skip Heitzig is a prominent Calvary Chapel teacher who leans strongly Arminian and he teaches verse by verse through the Bible. Another who teaches verse by verse through the Bible that is Arminian though he would not claim to be necessarily is John Lindell at James River Assembly of God. At one point, James River was the largest A/G church in the United States and Lindell teaches verse by verse through the Bible at least he use to. I have not kept up with him as of late.

        You are correct though that many of the expository preachers we hear today are Calvinists. I am praying for a move of God upon Arminians to teach verse by verse through the Bible. When I use to preach, I always preached expository sermons. I believe they are Bible-centered and Bible-focused and seek to exalt God as He has revealed Himself in His Word.

  14. hey man. just wanted to stop by and offer my encouragement and thanks for all you do. I’ve nominated you for a very inspiring blogger award. 🙂 God Bless you and your ministry.

    In Christ,


    01/08/2013 at 1:15 AM

  15. Having read your blog a bit, I think you might find some of our articles to be particularly interesting. Most of our contributors studied under F. Leroy Forlines and J. Matthew Pinson. Glad to see your promotion of some of their works as well as the works of Robert Picirilli.

    Here’s our website:


    Jesse Owens

  16. Thanks, Roy, for informing about the Lecture with R. Olson at the AG Seminary. I had no chance to see the streaming, because the Internet was down here for some days. But I downloaded the mp3s and I’m looking forward to hear the löecture the next days. Thanks again and God bless you and your family!


    11/23/2013 at 2:39 AM

  17. I am Reformed and attend Mars Hill Church | Portland but I do know of some good Arminian preachers that I like a lot that are Spirit-filled and Gospel-centered… many of which I quote on my blog Determine (

    Britt Merrick:
    Levi Lusko: (he came from Skip Heizig’s church)
    Tim Chaddick:
    Dave Lomas:
    John Mark Comer:
    Brett Meador:
    Josh White:
    Ken Wytsma:

    I could probably drum up more but these are the ones that quickly come to my mind. The Lord’s blessing on you guys! I wish more people wouldn’t define an identity around secondary issues. We are all one in Christ. Theology matters but we are brothers in Christ first.


    02/14/2014 at 2:29 PM

    • Thank you my brother. I pray with you as well that we all can agree on the gospel and then debate from there as brothers and sisters in Christ and not as enemies of our Lord or His kingdom.

  18. Hey buddy. Just saying hi.

    Found a few of your blog articles on the (old) ICOC (My Run-Ins With the Old ICOC; The Good, Bad, And The Ugly From the Old ICOC; Refuting the ICC Position on Discipleship; Remembering the Old ICOC Days; A Note On Burnouts).

    On the last matter, I think burnout comes from various factors in the ICOC including not getting enough sleep, not getting re-creation (I spelled it deliberately that way … recreation originates from re-creation), legalism and an always raising bar, and numerous other things. I’ll be writing articles on some of that.

    You picked up correctly that the ICOC fails to understand justification … which is an article I wrote about 10 years ago.


    03/25/2014 at 9:31 PM

  19. Hi, I have a relatively new blog that I thought you might be interested in sharing on your site. I’m doing a series of posts on the “New Calvinist Bible”. It’s written in a satirical style from the perspective of a Calvinist who wants to make the Bible even more Calvinist than he thinks it is already. It contains revised biblical texts to actually make them Calvinist. The idea is to show that many changes need to be made!

    I’d be delighted to get some publicity for it as I think only about two people have seen the blog so far! Feel free to link to the entries. I have some more posts in the series to follow too.

    The first post in the series is here:
    The bottom of the post contains a link to the next in the series, etc.

    In Christ,

    Kingswood Hart


    05/23/2014 at 3:31 AM

  20. Hi SD. I’m working on a project concerning church trends and I like the bit you wrote a couple of years back, The Ever Changing Fads of the Church. I’d like to actually cite it and was hoping to list you as author. But I cannot find your name anywhere. But perhaps you want to keep it anonymous? Best, Rod

    Rod Miller

    07/01/2014 at 10:01 PM

  21. Hey,

    I’m sorry, I could not figure out how to post a reply to your recent post to SEA.

    Just a FYI, Robert Shank was not a Church of Christ pastor or writer. Yes, he did some work with them during his time of ministry but he did not hold to baptismal regeneration–a key C of C teaching. I know this from having talked with his son extensively on the phone. You might want to change that on your blog and at SEA if possible.

    Take care,


    08/06/2015 at 5:37 PM

  22. Good morning. I just wanted to thank you for checking out and liking my post. Have a blessed day!



    11/11/2015 at 9:42 AM

  23. Hey bro, it’s me Sam Shamoun whose blog you now like. I actually found your blog because of you liking my posts. I want to say I truly appreciate your support and invoke our risen Lord Jesus to richly bless you and your loved ones, preserving you in his perfect love and power forever. And may he continue to enable you to glorify his name and fill you his Holy Spirit to do so.

    Lord bless you brother.

    Sam Shamoun

    11/06/2016 at 9:35 AM

  24. Hello! Just wondering if you’re still active on this blog. Hope all is well.


    12/01/2017 at 3:53 PM

  25. I am grateful to have found your blog. I will read what you have written and comment where I should. Mostly I appreciate your zeal to be simply Christian

    Jim Barnes

    06/20/2018 at 10:17 AM

  26. Greetings and thank you for sharing. Simply wanted to include this excerpt from Spurgeon sermon given Aug 1, 1858:

    And just let me say here, that it is the custom of a certain body of Ultra- Calvinists, to call those of us who teach that it is the duty of man to repent and believe, “Mongrel Calvinists.” If you hear any of them say so, give them my most respectful compliments, and ask them whether they ever read Calvin’s works in their lives. Not that I care what Calvin said or did not say; but ask them whether they, ever read his works; and if they say “No,” as they must say, for there are forty-eight large volumes, you can tell them, that the man whom they call “a Mongrel Calvinist,” though he has not read them all, has read a very good share of them, and knows their spirit; and he knows that he preaches substantially what Calvin preached—that every doctrine he preaches may be found in Calvin’s Commentaries on some part of Scripture or other. We are TRUE Calvinists, however. Calvin is nobody to us. Jesus Christ and him crucified, and the old fashioned Bible, are our standards. Beloved, let us take God’s Word as it stands. If we find high doctrine there, let it be high; if we find low doctrine, let it be low; let us set up no other standard than the Bible affords.

  27. Tonight I found a brief rejoinder here to an article here that I wrote on the “10 misinterpreted passages,” viz. regarding the phrase, pas ho pisteuwn (“all/every one believing”) in John 3:16. However, I was referenced as “JD Dalcour,” which is my wife’s name, not mine. But there was, a positive endorsement of my book on Oneness theology 🙂

    Dr. Edward Dalcour

    02/07/2019 at 2:57 AM

  28. Brother, after reading your blog for almost 10 years, nearly daily, I have really missed it these past two years. I pray that everything is okay with you.


    02/09/2019 at 8:32 PM

  29. Roy, this is William Birch, and I so hope you get this. You can find me on Facebook under William Watson Birch (in Chincoteague, Virginia, my hometown). My email is I read your “last post ever” and I began praying for you immediately. I so hope you get this. You will always be a dear brother in Christ to me and I hope for nothing but God’s absolute best for you in Christ. Our Hope is still and only in Christ.

    I so hope you get this.


    William Watson Birch

    09/11/2022 at 7:27 PM

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