Arminian Today

A Jesus-Centered Arminian Blog

Free Olympics Prayer Band For China

Voice of the Martyrs is offering a free prayer band much like the bands wore for fighting cancer through the Lance Armstrong Foundation. The purpose of the band, however, is to pray for China and for the persecuted Chinese believers during the Olympic Games being played in China. It is estimated that there are over 300 million Chinese Christians living under the military communist leadership which also follows Karl Marx and hates all religious expressions. In the past few years persecution among the Chinese has stepped up as China has become more open to capitalism but not to religious freedoms.

Despite the heavy persecutions of Chinese disciples, the Church continues to grow (Acts 2:47). However, the Chinese church needs prayer for leadership, for Bibles, and for boldness in evangelism. It is illegal for Chinese believers to share their faith. They risk everything by sharing the gospel with someone.

Pray for Chinese missionaries to be fruitful in evangelism, for their every need to be met, and for God to raise up more and more native Chinese missionaries who will risk all for the glory of God. Pray for the power of God to fall throughout China and that the world’s most populated nation may see the presence of God at work in the Church. Do pray for freedom for Chinese Christians and for the government to release those who are in prison for simply preaching the gospel.

Written by The Seeking Disciple

07/16/2008 at 3:51 PM